Thursday, March 11, 2010

1. 3D LCD Table Menu, a device that is embedded into restaurant tables that allows customers to browse the various foods on offer, each meal is displayed in 3D allowing the customers to view the food from multiple angles!

2. Microsoft Surface, a new device that allows people to wirelessly pay for purchases, look at menus, and also as entertainment purposes making it perfect for restaurant use!

3Scratch And Sniff, A relatively old innovation that allows the user to scratch a pad with a printed image on the front revealing a smell relating to the image, this gives customers an idea of what they will be purchasing!

4. Iphone Billing Application, A new application for the iphone that is available for the Iphone that lets billing for restaurant to be paid, it has all needed functions for billing including credit card information, signature, tips!

5. Updating Menu, Another not really new technology, were a screen thats connected to a computer with an inbuilt program that allows it to display a menu were food that can be chosen is chosen with either a simple mouse or a more complex touch screen and relay it to the chefs in the kitchen

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